The name of the Association shall be “The Wakefield Rabbit Golf Association”.
The area of the Association shall be Wakefield and South Yorkshire and surrounding areas.
Any “Rabbit” Section may become a member of the Association provided they are approved by the Association and accepted at an Annual General Meeting.
A Male Golf Club member whose WHS handicap index is 15 and over, whose age is 18 years or over.
The objects of the Association shall be to:
a) Promote the game of golf;
b) Stimulate and encourage the interest of the longer handicap player;
c) Work for the benefit of the Association and member Rabbit Sections.
a) Encourage and develop the formation of “Rabbit” Sections in Golf Clubs;
b) Arrange annual competitions for “Rabbit” members which shall include:
i) The President’s Trophy. (usually held in May)
ii) The Lancaster Trophy; (usually held 2 weeks after the Presidents Trophy)
iii) The Hemingway Memorial Trophy; (usually held in September)
iv) The Graham Wood Memorial Knock Out Trophy, (the final held on the same day as the Hemmingway Trophy
c) Organise and conduct social meetings and gatherings.
The Officers of the Association shall be:
a) A President – who shall be nominated annually by each club in turn which shall next host The President’s and Lancaster Trophy competitions;
b) A Vice-President – nominated by the Club whose turn it is to host the above Trophies in the following year;
c) An Honorary Secretary who shall be a “Rabbit” Member of any of the Clubs in the Association. He shall be elected for a period of 3 years when he shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election.
d) An Honorary Treasurer who shall be a “Rabbit” Member of any of the Clubs in the Association. He shall be elected for a period of 3 years when he shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election.
The Officers shall run the affairs of the Association for the ensuing year.
a) An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in the month of January. At least twenty-eight days notice shall be given of the date, time, and venue of every Annual General Meeting.
b) The meetings shall be attended by a maximum of two delegates from each member Rabbit Section together with the elected Officers of the Association.
c) The President of the Association shall preside as Chairman, or in his absence the immediate past President shall preside. If both are absent a Chairman shall be elected by the meeting.
d) The meeting shall deal with the following matters:
i) Receive the report of the Honorary Secretary/Treasurer on the accounts for the last financial year;
ii) Confirm the appointment of President and Vice President for the next year;
iii) When required, elect an Honorary Secretary/Treasurer.
iv) Any other business of the Association.
e) Any propositions and/or amendments being considered shall be determined by a majority of the votes cast by delegates and Officers present and no individual shall have more than one vote. In the event of an equality of votes recorded the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
a) Meetings of the Association other than the Annual General Meeting may be called by the President as he considers necessary to deal with business of the Association. At least 7 days notice shall be given of such a meeting.
b) The meetings shall be attended by a maximum of two delegates from each member Rabbit Section together with the elected Officers of the Association.
c) The President of the Association shall preside as Chairman, or in his absence the immediate past President shall preside. If both are absent a Chairman shall. be elected by the meeting.
d) Any propositions and/or amendments being considered shall be determined by a majority of the votes cast by delegates and Officers present and no individual shall have more than one vote. In the event of an equality of votes
recorded the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
If the Association shall be wound up, the assets remaining after payment of all debts shall be distributed equally amongst the member Rabbit Sections at that particular time.
Note: This Constitution and Rules includes the amendments agreed at the AGM held in January 2009. Original document produced by L Lammas (Hon. Secretary) in 31 January 2009. Subsequently amended August 2022 and amended again for inclusion on the YRGA web site in 2023