2025 Graham Wood Memorial knockout Trophy


2025 Graham Wood Draw

1st Round
Deadline TBC
2nd Round
Deadline TBC
Semi Final
Deadline TBC
Final to be played at Beauchief GC


a) Any player who plays in any of the WRGA competitions must have a current handicap certificate and must have submitted cards in 3 qualifying competitions in the 12 months im­mediately preceding the competition.
All players must produce proof evidencing their playing history over the 12 months immediately preceding the date of the competition.
b) The President, Vice President and Honorary Secretary/Treasurer will adjudge all disputes and decide upon such matters as deemed necessary.
Their decision will be final.
c) Substitutes will be allowed in all competitions

d) Whilst WRGA have removed the word “male” from it’s Rabbit definition, it was agreed at the EGM that lady golfers would not be allowed to participate in the 2024 event until further clarification is sought as to how “mixed” better ball pairs would work. This should be resolved by the time the 2025 event starts


One Six-man team per Club to compete in a Knock-out Competition. Team personnel are interchangeable.

The Format: 4-ball better Ball Matchplay with 90% Handicap difference.

*NB. If the match is level after the last 2man team complete 18 holes then the last game must continue to determine a winner by sudden death. The Home Club to pay all Green Fees.


For all WRGA competitions, all participants must be Rabbit Golfers over 15 h/cap on the day of the competition. Proof of handicap of all players will be required, either by a Competition Handicap Certificate dated within 28 days of the date of the competition, or by digital means, from either the recognised England Golf App or How did I do App.